Why Choose Flared2 for Real-Time Effects
The addition of lens flares in Hollywood films and architectural visualizations is aimed at enhancing emotional impact and engaging viewers more deeply in computer-generated scenes.
There are various techniques to simulate the reflections created by light inside a camera’s lenses.
1. Effects generated during compositing, based on light data from the scene (as we did in Glared)
PRO: Flares derive directly from the lights in the scene.
CON: When a light source is outside the scene, it produces no effect, whereas in reality, lens flares are often visible even from lights outside the visible field. And you need to use the compositor, and as of today, with Blender, it can be limiting (meaning that not all compositor nodes are usable for real-time compositing).
2. Effects generated by mathematically simulating real lens behavior: as shown at Siggraph 2011, this can be a viable approach
PRO: It should display on screen exactly what would happen in reality.
CON: Currently, there are major issues with real-time calculation management—sometimes you have to wait several seconds before receiving visual feedback from a parameter adjustment. Moreover, directors tend to seek effects that go beyond the mathematical behavior of real light, much like sounds in film are often exaggerations of real-life sounds.
3. Real-time effects crafted through the artistic eye of an experienced graphic designer (as we did in Flared2 – our Blender Lens Flare Addon)
PRO: This abstraction of reality bypasses complex mathematical rules and creates emotionally rich atmospheres with real-time feedback. How convenient it is to view and manipulate flares in real-time directly in the viewport! This approach is at the heart of Flared, which has been a best-seller for Blender since 2019.
CON: The physical accuracy of the visuals lacks a mathematical basis.
But really, who cares about the math when the result is artistically perfect for the scene or animation we’re creating?
Unique features of Flared2
- Completely rewritten using geometry nodes
- The flares are more beautiful, convincing, immersive, and sophisticated
- Everything in real-time, directly in the viewport
- Procedural structure, allowing for a wide variety of uses
- Available in both Eevee and Cycles
- Based on six years of experience
- The Blender lens flare addon chosen by over 3,000 users worldwide
- 2D mode (fixed size)
- 3D mode (size varies based on distance)
- Ability to create and share your own templates
- Customization of the flare through a hundred parameters
- Real-time obstacle detection
- Each flare consists of 12 distinct types of elements
- Enhanced ease of use
- Automatic multi-camera mode
- Parametric anamorphic mode
- Advanced lens dirt simulation
- Advanced blinking control
- Simplified parameter copying between flare groups
- No function requires baking
- Flares work even without the addon
- Ability to render flares on a separate layer
- Free compatibility upgrades
- Free feature upgrades
- Over 60 basic presets created with valuable input from designers and art directors
Flared2 is the top lens flare addon for Blender, preferred by professionals. With real-time effects and high customization, it’s compatible with Eevee and Cycles. Learn more!
Simple easy to use add-ons. Add your lens flares with a few clicks in Blender and fine tune them with the visual controls.
As easy as powerful.
As easy as powerful.
Shapes of Ghosts
Inner Transparency
Hue Shifting
Flared2 control panel
Lens flare default presets
Watch Flared2 in action!
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Flared2 - Huge Free Update: Rewritten Generators, macOS Fixes & More!
Flared2 and Glared - 30% OFF - Holiday Promotion
Flared2 - Free Update 100% Faster!
Flared2 - First Free Update with New Features
Flared2 - Create your own Lens Flare in Blender
Flared2 - Last Days Promo
Flared2 - Advanced Ghost Controls
Flared2 - External Compositing (and Speeding Up Cycles)!
Flared2 - New Usage Test!
Flared2 - Let’s try it!
Flared2 - Overview
Why a second version was essential
Flared v1 emerged from experiments conducted in 2017 and 2018, using techniques that were solid at the time but are now outdated. With the introduction of Geometry Nodes, the previous reliance on rigs, particle systems, drivers, and Python quickly became obsolete. The only option was to rebuild everything using Geometry Nodes, harnessing their power and versatility to create a more advanced, high-performance engine built for the future.
We spent over a year in trial and error, study, and perseverance to find the right node tree. Now, we finally feel ready to replace Flared ST and XT with a much more powerful Blender lens flare addon. We’ve prioritized ease of use as the core feature.
Around this, we built essential controls to enable users to create their own templates and presets. You can now design your lens flare from scratch, save it, export it, and import those created by other users. This breakthrough, if it works as we hope, will provide you with limitless presets to choose from. Our graphic designers have already created over 60 presets, available as standard with Flared2.
Now, it’s time to hand the reins to you. Try it out, experiment, push the add-on to its limits, and let us know your challenges and needs. We’ll do everything possible, as always, to learn from your experiences and adjust the add-on as needed to maintain its leading position among Blender’s addons.
Stories from our Users

- Glared is a useful add-on for generating the light effects present in many film shots (such as Glow, Ghosts, and Streaks) using the scene you are working on as a starting point.
- It can be used in real-time on the 3D scene or on photos or videos.
- There is a Threshold value that determines which values to use to activate Glared's filters.
- In addition, Glared creates Chromatic Aberration, Vignette, and Sharpening effects.
- All of Glared's parameters can be animated using Keyframes.
- Glared is based on a Nodegroup that is added to the compositor. If a nodal system is already present, Glared can be automatically inserted at the end of it or replace the pre-existing nodal system. The choice is made by the user.
- Glared is a stand-alone add-on and can also work without its older brother, Flared (which is used to create Lens Flares).
- Glared and Flared can integrate, if you own both, within the Flared's graphic interface for greater ease of use.
- Glared is young and is making its first appearance. Therefore, there may be anomalous behaviors or situations that need to be refined at the programming level. For this reason, we ask you to interact with us and give us your feedback or ask for help when you are having difficulty. We will try to solve any problem in order to make the add-on better and better.
- With the experience gained in three years with Flared, we have understood how useful an efficient customer service is and how useful your experience is to increase the functionality of an add-on. We hope to repeat the experience already made with Flared and build another powerful and easy-to-use add-on that meets your positive opinion.

Scenes credits:
Splash Screen Blender 3.3 LTS - Scanlands by Piotr Krynski
Girl On The beach - Pexels.com by Cottonbro Studio
Agent 327 Barbershop by Blender Demo File Page
Lone Monk by Carlo Bergonzini / Monorender
Splash Screen Blender 3.4 by Blender Studio
Splash Screen Blender 2.83 - PartyTug by Ian Hubert
Glared Technical Specs
Glared | |
Real-time in Viewport | ✓ |
Eevee Render | ✓ |
Cycles Render | ✓ |
Automatic Obstacle Detection | ✓ |
Keyframable Values | ✓ |
Integration with Flared (ST and XT) | ✓ |
Save Your Own Presets | ✓ |
Generate Light Glows | ✓ |
Generate Light Streaks | ✓ |
Generate Light Ghosts | ✓ |
Generate Vignette FX | ✓ |
Set Sharpening Level | ✓ |
Generate Purple Finge FX | ✓ |
Generate Chromatic Aberration FX | ✓ |
Free Updates | ✓ |
Customer Support | ✓ |
Compatibility | Blender 3.5 and higher |

Now available for purchase on Blendermarket – explore Flared2 today.
Get Flared2 now and create stunning real-time effects directly in your viewport!
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We are receiving a lot of requests but unfortunately, we don't have a demo version. For this reason, we are editing made many video tutorials that show the use of Glared. You can find them in the VIDEO menu.
You can buy Glared on BlenderMarket
Please, use this form for information requests only. If you have already purchased Flared and need support, use the messaging system of the shop in which you've made the purchase. This will help us in keeping track of your messages and confirm which version of Flared you own. Thank you for understanding!
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